What an amazing pleasure to partner with AFRICA’S HOPE. The mission of AFRICA’S HOPE is to facilitate training that equips the church in Africa to disciple the nations in the power of the Holy Spirit. They translate the Gospel and provide translation of the Gospel and Bible teachings in various languages on the continent of Africa.

John Easter, the Executive Director of AFRICA’S HOPE, was our guest at Journey yesterday. I love this man’s heart and passion for people and his love for ‘The Continent’ as well as his solid commitment to build and mobilize future educator-leaders all across Africa.

John spoke about:




We are all created imago dei, in the image of God. As such, every person has intrinsic value, every person is worth reaching, every person has a purpose, every person matters to God.

Recently AFRICA’S HOPE launched a campaign to provide diploma-level curriculum for more than 4,000 leaders who minister in the Mòoré language in Burkina Faso and surrounding countries. 

This year Journey will support more than 125 missionaries and organizations and give resources to 25 global projects through Kingdom Builders, our engine to support the Great Commission here and around the world. The AFRICA’S HOPE Mòoré language project is one of those.

This weekend it was thrilling to see nearly every family at our campuses get up out of their seats to express a tangible commitment to Kingdom Builders for 2019.

Let’s do this.

And be blessed.

Jordan Lee