Christmas 2018 has passed. Ours was wonderful. I hope yours was, too. We’re headed on to New Year’s now.

It’s probably the busiest season of the entire year, as we round it out and get ready to turn the page on a new one - decorating - buying gifts - cooking meals - doing family stuff - work parties.

Given that, I don’t know if you ever have times you want to just forget everything that’s going on around you and get into a quiet little bubble and push everything else out.

I do at times.

So I’m wondering if there could be a moment sometime before we turn that page this season where we stop - just for a second.

I’m wondering if we could think about what it might like being in the presence of Jesus right now — and whatever picture you’ve created in your mind of that scene when I said it just then, I guarantee you the real thing is far better than you’re imagining.

Let’s not just think about a baby in a manger this Christmas - because the baby was more than that. The baby was God with a thousand angels gathered round.  Let’s think about Jesus in heaven who’s greater than anything you can envision - who humbled Himself and came down in human form — for you.

It wasn’t just another child who was born - it was a holy night - it was a sacred moment - Jesus came down - to be with us. Almighty God, whose thoughts and ways are beyond ours, came from heaven to walk among us. 

That’s Christmas. 

And be blessed.

Jordan Lee