I was sitting in my office a few years ago and glanced up to my long row of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and noticed one of my Bibles poking out from the shelf.  It sits in that same place every day along with other Bible versions that are its shelf-friends.  It seemed pushed out further than normal.  I couldn’t remember even touching that particular Bible in a very long time.

The other odd thing was that the leather binding wasn’t facing out - it was the pages that were turned my direction.  For the life of me I couldn’t remember putting any book on the shelf that way - and I’m 100% a creature of habit.  Oh, you don’t know . . .

But as I scanned the whole library shelves, not one other book on the six shelves was faced that way - just that one.

I went closer and as I did, I noticed something about that Bible I hadn't seen before.  Certain pages looked darker than others like they were marked with finger oils.  Certain pages were folded over and turned down and looked like they had been that way for eons.  I had the impression that if I took the Bible from the shelf and laid it on the desk, it would automatically open to some of these dog-eared pages.

I reached for it and opened it.  There were a lot of verses highlighted.  I began to read some.  It soon became clear these were life areas I had struggled with in my past - things about which God had been working on me - things He had helped me conquer.

God knows what we need and when we need it.

So good.  And so grateful.

How about you?  Which pages in your Bible are turned down?

Jordan Lee