I have a Life Verse.  It is something that guides me through life.  It is my rudder when life becomes uncertain or embattled.  It is a reassurance of the call of God on my life in whatever He calls me to.

I never set out to select a Life Verse, although I would recommend you do that.  It’s a daunting proposition Ince there are more than 30,000 verses in the Bible.

You should consider adopting a Life Verse.  Why?  Lots of reasons.

Your Life Verse becomes a touchstone in your faith journey.  It inspires, convicts and energizes you to live the life you were called to live in Christ.

Your Life Verse awakens your belief that God has a plan for your life.  A Plan-A.

Your Life Verse helps cast a vision for your life and shows you that the Bible was written for you.

There’s a perception that people who have a Life Verse are super-spiritual and that you need a visitation from heaven to have one.  Only the greatest Spirit-filled rock stars are eligible for one.  Not so.  You only need a hunger for the Word and a sensitivity to read slowly, to stop and meditate on what you read, and let the Holy Spirit uncover a verse or set of verses that you can’t stop thinking about.

That could become your Life Verse.

Get it deep in your spirit.  Memorize it.  Make it personal and make it yours.

Here’s mine:  “When (Kevin) had served God’s purposes in his own generation, He fell asleep.”  (Acts 13:36)

I’d love to hear yours.

Jordan Lee