One of the common suffixes to our prayers is often: “Lord, if it’s Your will … “

I’ve prayed that.  You probably have too.  It sounds right.  I mean, Jesus said it in the Garden of Gethsemane, so it has to be legit.

And it is - sort of.

But sometimes we tack it on as an ‘out’ - a fleece of sorts - I’m asking You to do this, God - Your Word says you will - it’s within Your power to - but just in case You don’t, I need to add this disclaimer - ‘If it’s Your will.’  I just need to cover my bases.

And maybe God is going, ‘I appreciate you giving Me that escape clause because what you’re asking might be challenging.  Just in case I’m not in full-power mode, that will be helpful.  I can fall back on the excuse that, ‘Yeah, it wasn’t My will today.’

God didn’t grant Solomon all that wisdom because He prayed, “If You want to - if it’s Your will.”

Could we get a little more bold to say, “Lord, You said it.  I trust You for it.  I believe Your promises.  So would You do it?”

What is the need in your life today?  Is it bigger than you can possibly handle or fathom?  Would the answering of your big prayer not only change your life, but impact the lives of others around you?  Those are some prayers God is most ready and willing to answer.

A relationship needs restored.

A body needs to be healed.

There’s a provisional need.

An anxiety to be lifted.

‘God, only You can do it.  Nobody else has the power or even the desire - not like You do.  So would You come?’

And He will.

Jordan Lee